For petty cash accounting, you must create a log detailing your transactions. And, you must record a petty cash journal entry when you put money into the petty cash fund and when money leaves the fund. Consider recording petty cash transactions in your books at least once per month. To set up a petty cash fund, the cashier creates a check in the amount of the funding assigned to a particular petty cash fund (usually a few hundred dollars). Alternatively, the cashier could simply count out the cash for the petty cash fund, if there are enough bills and coins on the premises. The initial petty cash journal entry is a debit to the petty cash account and a credit to the cash account.
However, the availability of petty cash doesn’t mean that it can be accessed for any purpose by any person. Often, a few individuals are authorized to approve disbursements and can only do so for expenses related to legitimate company activities or operations. Since most petty cash purchases are for business expenses, you will likely be able to deduct them from your business’s taxes at year-end. Some businesses put $50 into their petty cash fund while others put $250—the amount of your fund depends on your business needs.
Understanding Petty Cash
Overall, there’s a total of $500 in the lockbox after replenishment. The petty cash custodian will keep all petty cash what is the main focus of managerial accounting items inside a lockbox. Only the custodian can access the lockbox—and it mustn’t be left opened and unattended.
- The balance in the petty cash account is now $300, which is where it was originally authorized to be.
- The remaining $185 on hand is what’s left of the $500 petty cash fund after reimbursements.
- It is very important for big companies to have a petty cash balance sheet.
- An employee using petty cash should provide a receipt for the purchase to the petty cash custodian.
Establishing a dollar amount to meets your business’s petty cash needs is essential. Make sure your employees understand what the petty cash fund can or can’t be used for by creating a petty cash policy. As your business grows, you may need to re-evaluate the amount you keep in your petty cash fund. In the petty cash policy document, we should state that the petty cash fund is $500 with Heather Smith as the custodian. She should also sign the document to transfer the petty cash fund accountability to her.
Petty Cash Accounting Example
When an employee takes money from the petty cash fund, the petty cash custodian must record who took the money, the amount taken, what the money is for, and the date. When your petty cash fund starts to run dry, it’s time to record the expenses and reimburse the fund. To reconcile, you’ll need to match your receipts with the amounts recorded on the petty cash form.
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The reconciliation process ensures that the fund’s remaining balance equals the difference between the original balance minus charges detailed on receipts and invoices. If the remaining balance is less than what it should be, there is a shortage. If the remaining balance is more than what it should be, there is an overage. Although there can be minor variances, when unbalanced, the source of the discrepancy should be identified and corrected. All these details are usually completed through a petty cash voucher/worksheet.
Consequently, petty cash balances are rarely updated just to improve the accuracy of the financial statements. When the cash balance in the petty cash fund drops to a sufficiently minimal level, the petty cash custodian applies for more cash from the cashier. This takes the form of a summarization of all the receipts that the custodian has accumulated. The cashier creates a new check in the amount of the receipts, and swaps the check for the receipts. The petty cash journal entry is a debit to the petty cash account and a credit to the cash account. If you plan to use petty cash for small business purchases like postage and office supplies, it may be handy to use the petty cash log to keep track of your transactions.
Establishing a petty cash fund
In larger corporations, each department might have its own petty cash fund. Reconciliation of the petty cash fund should be done periodically to ensure that the fund’s balance is correct. The fund can be replenished back to the approved amount as required. Lastly, you should choose a maximum amount that employees can request for petty cash transactions. If the employee needs to spend more than the petty cash request limit, they can use the business credit card.
How to set up and use petty cash in your business
After entering all expenses, it’s time to record the replenishment. First, click Add Deposit then fill out all the required information. Heather needs a $315 reimbursement to bring the petty cash balance back to $500. When your petty cash cashier puts money into the petty cash fund, they must create a journal entry in your books. The entry must show an increase in your Petty Cash account and a decrease in your Cash account.
Please let us know in the comment section below.Stay with us and keep learning. Petty cash funds typically depend on how frequently your business makes small purchases. The balance in the petty cash account is now $300, which is where it was originally authorized to be. If you have an office manager, they’re the most likely choice to manage the petty cash fund. Jane stops to pick up two boxes of donuts, leaving her with $5 in her wallet.
The petty cash custodian refills the petty cash drawer or box, which should now contain the original amount of cash that was designated for the fund. The cashier creates a journal entry to record the petty cash receipts. This is a credit to the petty cash account, and probably debits to several different expense accounts, such as the office supplies account (depending upon what was purchased with the cash).
They’ll be in charge of handling and disbursing petty cash and ensuring that the petty cash fund is used for its intended purpose. They’re also responsible for the safekeeping of the physical cash and possess the key to the lockbox where the cash and receipts are kept. If there’s a shortage or overage, a journal line entry is recorded to an over/short account. If the petty cash fund is over, a credit is entered to represent a gain. If the petty cash fund is short, a debit is entered to represent a loss.
Once your running balance hits your replenishment amount, you’re ready to write a check to bring the petty cash total back to the original funded amount. Petty cash is the money a business keeps on hand to pay for miscellaneous purchases. Most purchases made with petty cash are unexpected expenses that can pop up, such as morning coffee for a meeting or dinner for an employee working overtime. When it’s time to record expenses, such as the end of the month, go back to the Petty Cash Register and click Add Expense. You need to create an expense entry for each receipt that you’re recording from the lockbox.